Growing up as a troubled young girl, Glenda Rena' tells the story of how her childhood trauma spawns into a whirlwind of chaos. From being overtaken by domestic violence, which resulted in a long, distressing journey of low self- esteem, Glenda Rena' entails how she was able to conquer her overbearing afflictions. In essence, her agony for reform resulted in a constant pursuit of Christian Faith
It is a great honor to be able to speak about a great woman of God, Ms. Glenda Rena’. When I first met her I was looking for a car. I know it was God that brought me to her. I’ve gone to several other car lots and got turned down. No one was able to help me. I know that it was God using Glenda Rena’. As time went on, we became close. It seemed as if we knew each other all of our lives. I could call her anytime of the night or day and she would talk to me. I would cry she was right there and she didn’t sugar coat anything. She would tell me the truth. Sometimes I would cry and she’d just sit there and listen. Then she would minister to me.
I remember one day I was ready to end my life. Glory to God, I made it to her job where she was assisting other customers. I walked into her office and she stopped assisting her customer and came to see about me. I just cried and she didn’t turn me away. She let me cry on her shoulders afterwards she gave me some instructions and I followed them. Before I knew it, I no longer wanted to commit suicide. Thanks to God for using this vessel. So many times I would run to this woman of God and she never turned her back on me nor has she ever looked down on me.
I am a recovering drug addict and I never want to go back to that lifestyle. If I hadn’t ran into this woman of God, I would have returned back to the streets and on drugs. I thank God for her every day. I was in a very dark place in my life before I came in contact with Glenda Rena’.
I’ve been to many places for help. I’ve gone through many drug abuse programs and nothing worked. I thank God for allowing us to cross paths. While ministering to me by giving me God’s word and telling me the truth and helping me to know my worth, I no longer had the desire to go back to drugs. To God be the glory, it’s been three years since I’ve done drugs. Praise God for the woman of God!